January 2021 |
Defense News:
Odd couple: How a Republican senator and Biden’s defense secretary became friends downrange
December 2020 |
Wall Street Journal:
OP-ED: “Defense Is on the Ballot in Georgia”
March 2020 |
Mat-Su Daily Frontiersman:
U.S. senators, congressman address COVID-19 pandemic
POLITICO: Senator slams lack of port infrastructure in the Arctic
January 2020 |
Wall Street Journal:
OP-ED: Goldman Sachs to Native Alaskans: Drop Dead
The Washington Post:
EDITORIAL "The Senate—unanimously!—acts to improve the health of our oceans"
Kodiak Daily Mirror:
Sullivan-sponsored bill to address marine debris passes the Senate
December 2019 |
KTUU: “We’re gonna take this very seriously" - Murkowski, Sullivan react to impeachment
November 2019 |
Ocean Plastics Bill Sails Through Senate Committee
Roll Call:
Save Our Seas 2.0 tackles global marine debris crisis
October 2019 |
The Washington Post:
EDITORIAL: Every human should be alarmed by the plastic crisis in our oceans
June 2019 |
Kodiak Daily Mirror:
Sullivan launches new bipartisan effort to clean up oceans
E&E News:
Senate 'odd couple' returns, this time in search of a genius
March 2019 |
The Washington Post:
Trump has not been ‘soft’ on Russia. He’s been tougher than Obama.
June 2018 |
PoliticoPro: Trump's talk of Korean pullout could echo across Asia
June 2017 |
Wall Street Journal:
The Missile Defense Imperative
February 2017 |
Washington Post:
Don’t ‘tear up’ the Iran deal. Let it fail on its own.
December 2016 |
Wall Street Journal :
How to Put Building Permits on a Fast Track
May 2016 |
Washington Post:
The truth about our continuing combat role
April 2016 |
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:
Military investments should help Alaska weather economic challenges