
Sullivan, Van Hollen Recognize U.S. Foreign Service Day On Centennial Anniversary

WASHINGTON U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), co-founders of the bipartisan Senate Foreign Service Caucus, have introduced a Senate resolution celebrating May 3, 2024 as “Foreign Service Day.” The day recognizes the men and women who have served, or are presently serving, in the Foreign Service of the United States and honors the members of the Foreign Service who have given their lives in the line of duty. Foreign Service Day has been celebrated on the first Friday in May for generations. This year marks the Foreign Service’s centennial anniversary since its establishment in 1924.

“Today, we salute the courageous, dedicated members of the United States Foreign Service, and mark this vital diplomatic corps’ 100 year anniversary,” said Senator Sullivan, a co-founder of the bipartisan Senate Foreign Service Caucus. “America’s Foreign Service officers are tasked with promoting America’s interests, strengthening national security, and assisting U.S. citizens in the far corners of the globe—often with little fanfare or recognition. I’m glad to work with Senator Van Hollen to introduce this legislation to honor and support our Foreign Service workers across the globe and recognize the critical importance of this agency that has led American diplomacy for over a century.”

“Our Foreign Service carries out the vital functions of advancing American diplomacy and assisting U.S. citizens abroad. Their efforts to promote U.S. values and interests across the globe are essential to our standing on the world stage, which is why we’re committed to supporting these public servants,” said Senator Van Hollen, a co-founder of the bipartisan Senate Foreign Service Caucus. “On the 100th anniversary of our Foreign Service, this bipartisan resolution marking Foreign Service Day honors the contributions and sacrifices that our diplomatic corps and their families have made over the past 100 years. Here’s to 100 more!”

The Foreign Service, comprising 13,000 U.S. personnel, plus 45,000 locally-engaged personnel who serve at embassies and consulates overseas, are members of the Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Commerce, the Foreign Agricultural Service, the Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, and the U.S. Agency for Global Media. 

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