
Sullivan Condemns Latest North Korean Missile Tests

HOUSTON, TX – U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK), a member of the Armed Services Committee, reacted to reports of four more ballistic missiles being launched by North Korea today.

“North Korea is quickly emerging as the most imminent threat to U.S. national security and the global order,” said Senator Sullivan. “Kim Jong-un's single-minded pursuit of a nuclear ICBM that can reach American shores makes the world less stable and the U.S. less safe. We need a new whole-of-government effort, one which imposes increasing strategic costs on the North Korean regime.

“At the same time, we have to double down on the most important insurance policy we have right now – our nation's strategic missile defense. My greatest fear is that the American people will, in the near future, wake up to a North Korea that has the ability to fire a nuclear warhead into America’s heartland. When that day comes, we need to ensure that Kim Jong-un knows – without a shred of doubt – that if he launches against our country, not only will he not get through our defenses, but we will massively retaliate. 

“The American people should have confidence in our missile defense system, yet we must continue to modernize and invest in new capabilities. More advanced kill vehicles, new boosters, and additional interceptors are all needed to keep us ahead of this rapidly evolving threat. The time to invest is now."

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