$72 Million Announced for Alaska Maritime Infrastructure Projects
WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-Alaska) announced today that seven coastal communities in Alaska will receive more than $72 million in investments this year for critical maritime infrastructure. These grants, made possible by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), will benefit port, harbor, and dock improvement and development in communities across Alaska. The IIJA provided $2.25 billion in funds available over five years to the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP), which is a key funding avenue for Alaska coastal communities. These grants, from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD), are also partially funded by theConsolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.
“It was great to get a call from Secretary Buttigieg today, sharing the good news about how Alaska fared in the competitive Port Infrastructure Development grants. Coastal Alaska communities rely on ports and harbors for transportation, trade, and subsistence activities—and that’s why I fought to ensure funding for these projects in the bipartisan infrastructure law. Today’s grant announcements are the direct result of that work, funding planning, development, and construction activities as we seek to ensure that our rural ports can support the needs of Alaska communities,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski.“Projects like the Port of Nome aren’t just crucial for economic development and transportation improvements, but will also provide strategic capability for our country in the Arctic in furtherance of our national security interests. I’m proud to support and help advance them.”
“As I often say, Alaska is a resource-rich but infrastructure-poor state. With more coastline than the rest of the United States combined, maritime infrastructure is critical to our state,” Senator Sullivan said. “The large number of grants awarded to our coastal communities is a reflection of Alaska’s dependence on waterfronts and the great need we have across our state for infrastructure improvements. As a member of the Commerce Committee, which oversees transportation and maritime issues, I always request that senior administration officials come to Alaska to understand our state’s unique needs. The many visits by federal officials over the last few months, including Transportation Secretary Buttigieg, who I hosted in Kotzebue, are clearly paying off. I appreciated Secretary Buttigieg’s call today to share this good news. These awards are hugely beneficial to Alaska’s maritime economy and transportation abilities, and will improve our coastal supply chain.”
Grant recipients (information provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation):
- Cold Bay Dock Infrastructure Replacement (Cold Bay): $43.3 million for the construction of a new dock in Cold Bay, in the Aleutian Islands, to complete necessary surveys, geotechnical work and analysis, design, permitting and replacement of the aging and only existing dock in the community.
- Cape Blossom Port Planning Project (Kotzebue): $2.4 million for the planning of a new port at Cape Blossom. The planning project will assess the viability of developing the first U.S. deep-water port north of the Arctic Circle and will include a feasibility and cost-benefit analysis.
- Metlakatla Port Improvements Project (Metlakatla Indian Community): $3.4 million for the improvement of the Port of Metlakatla, including the installation of barge fender and batter piles, preparation for the replacement of breakwater infrastructure, and repairs to the boat haul out mechanism.
- Arctic Deep Draft Project (Nome): $11.2 million for the construction of water and wastewater, fuel, power, and communications infrastructure to expand and deepen the Port of Nome.
- Deep Water Port Development (Wrangell): $421,000 for the planning and engineering of a 40-acre deep water port site in Wrangell in Southeast Alaska. This includes environmental risk assessment, permitting, assessment of property bulkhead and utility extension requirements, and a feasibility study update.
- Yakutat Small Boat Harbor (Yakutat): $8.9 million to replace the existing 60-year-old harbor in Yakutat. This includes the replacement of the floating dock, stringers, and steel pipe mooring piles, as well as the installation of a fire suppression system, covered gangway, and relocation of the existing seaplane float.
- Jackolof Bay Dock Replacement Project (Seldovia): $2.3 million for the replacement of the Jackolof Bay Dock, including a floating pier that supports commercial and subsistence fishing, freight services, and transportation to and from Seldovia on the Kenai Penninsula.
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