
Senator Sullivan Statement on Senate Border Legislation

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), released the following statement pending the Senate vote to advance border legislation:

“On day one, the Biden administration created this border crisis with their self-imposed open border policies,” Sen. Sullivan said. “In the last three years, Americans in all fifty states have felt the impacts of this administration’s decision to do nothing, month after month, year after year, as the crisis on our southern border quickly became the largest invasion of illegal aliens in American history. It is a humanitarian, health, and national security crisis of epic proportions. President Biden has refused to act and use the tools already at his disposal, and now, Senate Democrats have refused to force his hand.

“I intend to vote no to advance the current proposed border legislation. First, the time frame we have been provided to evaluate this very complex border legislation is inadequate. Despite the hard work of Senator Lankford, this bill appears to give broad discretion to the President, leaving open the possibility that President Biden will not secure the border as intended by this bill. Indeed, the last three years are strong evidence that he won’t.”

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