
Sullivan Condemns Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Abstention at UN

ANCHORAGE, AK – Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) released the following statement in response to the Obama Administration’s refusal today to veto a United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements.  

“The Obama Administration’s relationship with our critical ally Israel is at an historic low since the signing of President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. The administration’s abstention at the U.N. today clearly is an attempt to isolate Israel and furthers the Obama Administration’s policies of catering to our adversaries in the Middle East, and spurning our allies who have stood by America for decades. I join my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle in condemning this move, which I believe hampers efforts to advance peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. With the incoming administration, we must restore our vital alliance with Israel and once again strengthen America’s standing in the Middle East.”

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