
Sullivan Statement on New U.S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) released the following statement after the United States, Mexico, and Canada announced that an agreement has been reached on the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA):

“While I’m still reviewing the final text released late last night, I’m glad to see the Trump administration finalize this important trilateral agreement with our closest neighbors and two of our largest trading partners,” said Senator Sullivan. “In my frequent discussions with the President and his team on trade issues, I have reminded them of the need for reciprocity in our trading relationships, but most importantly, I have repeatedly emphasized to the Administration the importance of engaging with our allies in North America, Europe and Asia to work together to address the very significant challenges that China’s unfair and non-reciprocal trading practices pose for American workers, businesses and families. With a revised NAFTA now one step closer to completion, the opportunities for a more coordinated global trading approach with our allies has been enhanced.

“In addition to the modernization of some the larger aspects of NAFTA, I was pleased to see the inclusion of language in the USMCA that addresses the need to take action to prevent and reduce marine debris, as well as the prioritization of fisheries management – made possible by new principal negotiating objectives for the Administration under Trade Promotion Authority, a provision I included in 2016’s H.R. 644, the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act.”

