
Sullivan Statement On Record High Alaska Gas Prices

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) released the following statement today on Alaska gas prices averaging a record-high of $5.00 per gallon. 

“Today, Americans, especially in my home state of Alaska, are paying the price for Joe Biden’s destructive energy policies,” Sen. Sullivan said. “The sad truth is, the pain Americans experience each time they try to fill up their vehicle is part of an intentional plan by this administrationbeholden to the ultra-leftto drive up prices in order to ‘accelerate’ the transition to renewables. 

“Since day one of his presidency, Joe Biden and his team have waged an unrelenting war on my home state and, moreover, American energy. They have restricted energy production at every opportunity: just look at their recent actions in Cook Inlet and the NPR-A. They have killed and delayed pipelines and infrastructure, strong-armed the financial sector to blackball American energy, and appointed radical anti-energy officials to our nation’s highest financial posts. 

“I implore Joe Biden to abandon the radical left’s destructive anti-American energy agenda. There is another way. We can protect the environment AND unleash American energy. Read my American Energy, Jobs & Climate plan, Mr. President.”


Today, Alaska gas prices reached an average of $5.00 for the first time ever. Alaska currently has the sixth most expensive gas in the nation. Gas across the U.S. also averaged a record $4.52 today – the eighth consecutive day gas prices reached record highs. 

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