
Sullivan Statement on Secretary of Defense Mattis

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement in response to news that Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis will retire in February 2019. 

“I’m disheartened by the impending resignation of Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis. His decades of service to our nation – from a Marine Corps second lieutenant to our 26th Secretary of Defense – embodies all that makes this country truly great. 

“I would like to personally thank Secretary Mattis for his unwavering voice on the importance of allies, his resolute dedication to rebuilding our under-resourced military, and inspiring the next generation of American warriors who wear our nation’s uniform.  

“America is stronger and our military is more capable and lethal because of Secretary Mattis. And though he would never acknowledge it, history will one day record that Secretary Mattis was a once-in-a-generation Secretary of Defense. Semper Fidelis, Mr. Secretary.”
