
Sullivan To Attend First Hearing as Member of the Congressional Executive Commission on China

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and Chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI) will attend his first hearing on the Congressional Executive Commission on China (CECC)today at 10 am Eastern Time. Senator Sullivan was appointed to the commission by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on July 24. Established in 2000, when the United States granted China Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status, the CECC exists to monitor and provide legislative proposals relating to China, its record on human rights, and the rule of law. The commission is composed of nine senators, nine house members, and six representatives from various departments of the executive branch.

“In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that the United States and the free world are in the most dangerous of times since World War II,” Senator Sullivan said. “Unfortunately, the expansionist Chinese Communist Party regime holds an abysmal track record on human rights and the rule of law, especially as of late. In just the past few years, the CCP unleashed a pandemic on the world, including on the United States and our economy, crushed the people of Hong Kong, which used to be a bastion of liberty, committed genocide in its own Xinjiang province as well as many other human rights abuses to Chinese nationals in and outside its borders, has engaged in economic warfare against our allies like South Korea and Australia; participated in hand to hand combat with Indian soldiers in the Himalayas, and continues to take aggressive actions in the South China seas. I want to thank Leader McConnell for this appointment and let my constituents and the American people know I am working to hold China accountable and the American-led free world safe and free from tyranny.”

The commission’s hearing today will focus on China’s brutal record of targeting critics and dissenting minority communities across the globe and can be watched here.


  • Senator Sullivan is the only member of the Senate currently serving in the military. He is a Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves.

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